New York City

The idea of New York

To talk to someone about New York in a different state is a very confusing to people who live in different states. When I was in my twenties I went to Las Vegas, a girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to buy something from her. We were standing outside the New York, New York casino, I replied no, she said to me if I could give her some money because it was a commission job, meaning if she doesn't sell it she gets nothing for the days work. I gave her 20 dollars. She asked me were I was from, I told her New York , she looked at the casino skyline of Manhattan and said “ do you miss New York when you see the skyline.” I replied “no I live 2 hours from Manhattan,I don't see Manhattan from my home.” It's amazing how if you say your from New York the first thing someone says is where in New York city do you live and this is another topic in New York. Where is upstate New York. I have seen a program on the TV that says anything outside the New York City area is upstate, I think that's incorrect in my opinion because upstate would be 95% of New York state. The local train that leaves Grand Central terminal would say it's going upstate and that would be incorrect because it's stops two counties away from New York City. I will show you a zero and that would be New York state and a period would be New YorkCity area and everything else upstate 0. The majority of the New York city population and the surrunding counties don't go further than a quarter of the southern part of the state. In my opinion that would still be the southern part of New York.