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The Metaverse Revolution

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The Metaverse Revolution

If you can buy it in a real store it's likely one day you can buy it in the Metaverse. A lot of companies are beginning to open stores in the Metaverse. Metaverse retail offers increased accessibility for customers who want to shop from home and at any time.

A lot of companies see this as another step in retail sales. H&M opened a store in the Metaverse making it possible to shop for clothes in the Metaverse. You can create an avatar of your self and go shopping. The avatar is able to be you exact body size and even to your shoe size.

In the Metaverse it's not only clothes that can be bought but chairs and beds. Walmart also has a store in the Metaverse and has sold things that has been shipped to the customer in the real world.

The Metaverse retail offers enhanced shopping experience though a virtual world . User's can go to these virtual stores and browse products and try them virtually, they also can interact with virtual assistant that can help them. To pay for these things in the Metaverse can be done with crypto currency or real cash. This is the beginning of the the virtual world and I think it is going to get bigger.

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