Nasa on the Tip of Quantum Computer Tech

Quantum technology

Nasa on the Tip of Quantum Computer Tech

Nasa and Google achieved quantum supremacy then shut it down. NASA and GoogleAI have been working on a the next big step in computer technology, that's called quantum technology.

What is quantum supremacy? Quantum supremacy is what a regular computer takes years to solve, a quantum computer takes minutes to solve. Regular computer do not have any fast algorithms to generate samples so the more samples the more the computer becomes overwhelmed. Quantum Computer is the smartest computer technology known. It has the capability to treat a patient in a hospital, with enough data it could diagnosis the patient in a few minutes which would take 3 doctors to do in a few hours. An AI and a quantum computer put together would possibly be smarter than the people who made it. Quantum Computers have the ability to solve complex problems in human health, drug discovery and possibly any problem known.

This is D-wave processor, a quantum system at NASA.

NASA shut down it quantum computer because of the idea that if it is to be trusted it most be right or else it could lead you to an huge error that you cannot solve. So they had to figure out why it gave that answer and to solve it, quantum computer is the next step in computer technology and it must be done right if it has that much people depending on it to answer the problem. Another technology is called quantum network, it is the ability for quantum computers to communicate with each other no matter where they are. As far as Mars to earth or as close as two countries on earth. Those two quantum computer are no bigger than a milk box.

It' is possible to heal it self if something goes wrong. This NASA calls the Self Healing Quantum Communications Tech Demo. We are at the beginning of quantum technology and the more advanced these quantum computers become with AI some people say it will take over the world.