Hydrogen powered cars

Hydrogen technologies for Cars

Hydrogen Car Tech

It's seems as if electric cars were the only option in the future for cars, but hydrogen cars are making there way back.

This car is hydrogen powered car. The only state that has hydrogen cars is California because it is equipped with the fueling stations. Hydrogen cars work when hydrogen is pumped into the car, the hydrogen reacts with the oxygen from the air and reverse electrolysis happens, this produce heat,electricity and water and the electricity powers the car.

This will be good for the environment because the exhaust produce by the cars are zero emissions.

This year Toyota released another hydrogen Car called the Toyota Mirai and plans to release more in the future. Three car companies makes hydrogen cars and they are Honda, Hyundai and Toyota and all cars in the US are sold only in California. In the world Japan , South Korea and some parts of Europe has hydrogen cars. Japan and South Korea makes nearly all of the hydrogen cars in the world.

This is the inside of the Toyota Mirai, it looks like the inside of any electrical car. I think it's good to still have a choice of what powered car you want to drive and the more competitive the market becomes the cheaper the cars will get.