Entertainment world

Computer graphics

The entertaining world

This will be another big step in the entertaining world. If you go to tech conventions you will always see something new but it never catches on until another invention makes it possible for it to become the new step. The idea for a new phone has just started, you actually don't need a physical phone in your hand anymore but it needs another invention to make it possible. Everything you watch now on a screen can be holographic, it is going to be the wave of the future. No more screens it can be projected in the air, off an object or your hand. If you go to Las Vegas you will see a dome. When you go inside, it's like you entered a different world. Not a holographic image but getting close. It will be possible to go to the movies and be surrounded by these images. I have been to the conventions and have also done my share of inventing. I invented a holographic image that can come at you and make you feel that you are actually there, so I have seen and done what is going to be the next big tech of future. I got a little carried away with my thoughts. I remember the idea of Computer graphics taking the place of actors, the new wave they called it, Avatar. It didn't catch on, the Oscar for the best actor. No, I don't think computer graphics of actors are going to dominate Hollywood. Computer graphics in the movies, yes but the last mission impossible with Tom Cruise, he did the stunt and did not use computer graphics. But to be honest there is a big invention coming I have seen it. I will talk about it on my next blog.